The Congress

Leveraging Technologies that Strengthen Agricultural Resilience and Climate-Smart Seed Systems

The annual congress serves as a vital forum, bringing together a diverse array of stakeholders from the seed industry to discuss the current state of the sector, emerging trends, and key themes including climate resilience, biotechnology, digitalization, and sustainability.

The 12th annual Congress & Expo will be bigger and better and will offer and will offer an unparalleled platform for networking and forming strategic commercial partnerships among industry players.

Don't Miss Out

Opportunities for Corporates and Individuals

Targeted Networking

Improve your business through targeted networking as you interact with various stakeholders in the seed sector in Kenya.

Sponsorship and advertisement opportunities

Get recognized as the Main sponsor alongside an opportunity to address the delegates during the official opening ceremony. Right to show promotional documentary/images in the main conference hall.

Exhibition Spaces

Interact, dialogue and showcase your products and services for enhanced brand visibility and awareness.

High level dialogue

Dialogue with seed industry players and the stakeholders in the region  on:

  • Empowering private sector to deliver solutions to farming communities;
  • Policy environment for effective seed trade;
  • Emerging technologies in seed production;
  • Sustainable systems for seed delivery; and
  • The key limitations hindering the seed industry and technology uptake